What is Buddhist Psychology?
What is Buddhist Psychology? Let's ask. Definitions About Psychology Briefly identifying its subject areas is most important for our future research. A similar definition for psychology is found in the book Psychological Today. Psychology is the scientific study of mental processes and behavior. Psychology in Essentials of psychology
It is introduced as follows. "Psychology is the scientific study of human and animal behavior
Lecturer U.B. Rattnayake Matha has introduced psychology in the book called Psychology Foundation. Psychology is the study of people. That is, how do they behave? How do you feel? How to adapt or fail to adapt to the environment? How to be a special person? Studying etc. Thus, psychology can be called as a subject that studies individual characteristics.
Abhidharma is the main aspect of Buddhism that can be viewed psychologically. In Abhidharma, all the varieties of the mind are well explained and its complexity is also clearly shown. Here Paramartha Dharma is explained in 04 points such as Chitta, Chaitasika, Rupa and Nibbana.
Also, among the main dharma concepts of Buddhism, the main psychological characteristic of the four truths has been contained. It describes sorrow, the cause of sorrow, the removal of sorrow, and the way to remove sorrow. Grief is a mental process and grief is described in terms of human experience. Jatapi dukkha Jarapi dukkha Vyadhipi dukkha Paranampi dukkha Bo sampayogo dukkha Bo vippyogo dukkha Bo yam picchan na labati tampi duk .......... 7
Due to birth, all kinds of troubles such as mental diseases and sufferings arise. Therefore, the main hope of Buddhism is to get rid of the cravings that cause rebirth and attain nirvana. Everything in the world is suffering. Similarly, all things are sadness, like being with people we don't like, being separated from people we like, and not getting what we want. Briefly, the entire panchaskanda is dukkha, sankhittena pancha padanakkhandha dukkha panchaskhandaya means images, pains, sannyas, sankaras, vijnana. Also, desperation is the cause of many suicides today. Frustration leads to violence, which leads to suicide due to lack of solutions. Also, the Buddha has shown a noble path to get rid of suffering. That is the Noble Eightfold Path. Good seeing, good thinking, good words, good deeds, good living. Good effort, good consciousness, good concentration are its eight important elements. Also, due to not being able to maintain the mind well, problems arise in social interaction and loss of concentration can also lead to anti-social personality traits according to social psychology. When we look at all these things logically, we feel that the psychological content is particularly reflected in Buddhism.
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